MMG | Munich Management Group GmbH
Müllerstraße 39
80469 München

fon 089 | 530 711-0
fax 089 | 530 711-22

Civil court Munich
Register number: HRB 119663
USt ID / VAT / IVA: DE 192861559

Represented by managing director: Nicolaus von Miltitz

Use of pictorial material

The website uses images from &


Liability for content
As a service provider and pursuant to art. 7, par. 1 TMG we are responsible for our own content only in accordance with prevailing law. However, as a service provider and pursuant to arts. 8 through 10 TMG, we are not required to monitor any transmitted or stored outside information; nor are we required to investigate contingencies that may point to unlawful activity. The mandate of removing or blocking the use of information as set forth in prevailing law remains undisturbed. Such liability, however, becomes applicable only at the time when knowledge of a bona fide law violation can be reasonably assumed. Once we have become cognizant of any law violation, prompt action to remove the offending content will be taken.

Liability for Links
Our service offerings contain links to external websites, the contents of which are outside our purview. In consequence, we shall be held harmless for such outside content. No other than a site’s individual service provider or operator is liable for its content. The linked sites were checked at the time of linkage for potential unlawful content. Content conflicting with prevailing law was not in evidence at the time of linkage. An ongoing monitoring of the linked sites’ content, though, is deemed unreasonable without some tangible evidence of unlawful conduct. In such event, we shall promptly remove the offending links once a law violation has occurred.

The content and copy of these sites are subject to German copyright law. Multiplications, alterations, dissemination and any kind of use outside the bounds of copyright law need the written permission of the respective author and/or producer. Downloading and copying the foregoing site is permitted for private, not commercial, use only. To the extent the content of the foregoing site was not produced by its operator, the intellectual property rights of third parties become applicable. Content from third party sources is marked as such. Should you nevertheless observe a copyright violation, we would greatly appreciate your bringing it to our attention. As soon as a law infraction becomes known, we will promptly remove the offending content at issue.

Sources: Disclaimer eRecht24


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Munich Management Group GmbH

Müllerstraße 39
80469 München

+49 89 530 711 – 0

© by MMG – Munich Management Group GmbH

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